Damn Shame 

I attended a funeral service on November 22, fifty years to the day President Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, for a 19 year old former student of mine at the high school where I work. He was murdered a couple blocks from the school and close to where he lived. His name was Andrew and he struggled mightily as a student, and we struggled equally to accommodate him. But he made it through to graduation and was attending school in his chosen profession at the time of his death. The attending priest made…

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Requiem for a Folk Singer, a new release by David Piper, August, 2024 

The following are the 14 songs that make up the collection of Requiem for a Folk Singer, by David Piper/PipersWing Music/2024. All songs were written by David Piper. 

  1. Cook My Chicken - This is a love song. I’m not known for writing love songs, so this may be as close as you’re going to get if you wanted a representative example.
  2. Requiem for a Folk Singer - This song started with the title and a complaint, but morphed into a full blast diatribe against anybody caught emoting with a guitar and a song. I might…
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